PACC-FMAs 2022 Completed

PACC-FMAs 2022

The American Ceramic Society (ACerS)
Jul 24 - 28, 2022
Hilton Panama
Industry Focus:
The Pan American Ceramics Congress brings together a wide variety of experts from academia, industries, research institutes, and laboratories to discuss current state-of-the-art and various technical challenges in research, development, engineering, manufacturing, and application of ceramic and glass materials. The Congress will provide a collegial forum for information exchange on current status and emerging trends in various technologies in the American continent (South and Central America, Canada, and the United States). The technical program will consist of invited and contributed talks and poster sessions important to ceramic and glass professionals who live or do business in the Americas. It will provide an information exchange on the latest emerging technologies and facilitate open dialogue and discussion with leading experts from around the globe.