Smart Ships Technology 2020 Completed

Smart Ships Technology 2020

RINA - The Royal Institution of Naval Architects
Oct 14 - 15, 2020
United Kingdom
Following on from our successful Smart Ship conference the Royal Institution of Naval Architects is organising a third international conference to further explore some of the key issues and themes raised by the first conference. Developments in both information and communication technologies (ITC) have had a significant effect on many industries within the last decade. However, it is now just starting to impact the shipping industry. ITC will enable some of the most fundamental changes to the way ships are designed and operated. While there are still technical issues to overcome it's the non-technical hurdles such as economic and legal considerations that will define the rate of this progress. The concept of Smart Ships covers a whole range of possibilities from predictive maintenance, performance optimisation, decision support tools, increased automation and robotics, unmanned remote or autonomous ship operation.