Home Trade Shows Footprints 2024 SHANGHAI WATERTECH EXPO REPORT.


Duration: Jun 03 - 05, 2024
Location: China
The water treatment industry in China and globally has been experiencing significant growth and development in recent years. China is the world's largest market for water treatment equipment and services, driven by rapid urbanization, industrialization, and increasing environmental regulations. The Chinese government has made water treatment a key priority, investing heavily in infrastructure and technology to address water scarcity, pollution, and wastewater management challenges. Given these factors, it was more than logical for Made-in-China.com to attend an event dedicated to this prestigious industry.

The 2024 WATERTECH EXPO held in Shanghai city concluded in early June. This exhibition represents Asia's premier trade show for water treatment and wastewater treatment technologies. It serves as a hub for industry professionals and businesses, showcasing the latest advancements within the water treatment sector. The event is considered essential for those seeking to enter or expand their operations in the rapidly growing Chinese water market, which is experiencing significant government support for sustainable development initiatives.

The WATERTECH EXPO encompassed a sizable footprint, occupying a total of 8 halls and 2 floors with an expansive exhibition area reaching 190,000 square meters. The event featured a highly professional showcase, hosting approximately 3,443 exhibitors and 100 000 visitors. Made-in-China.come's booth was located in Hall 7.1 on the second floor. While the flow of foot traffic may not have matched the most popular Halls ( 4 and 5), the overall attendance levels were still very strong. Given the specialized nature of the water treatment industry, the quality of the customer base visiting the exhibition was relatively high. Made-in-China.come's sales team remained engaged with a steady stream of interested prospects, as many attendees stopped to inquire about the company's products and services.

The exhibition floor featured a noticeable international presence, with many overseas buyers visiting regularly throughout the event. Some of these international attendees proactively approached the Made-in-China.com booth to inquire about our offerings. The level of internationalization at this trade show appeared higher than is typical for domestic Chinese exhibitions.

Made-in-China.com drew significant attention with its comprehensive industry data sharing, advanced AI-powered solutions, and engaging lottery game. Through its robust data analysis, the platform provided attendees with valuable industry insights that were difficult to obtain elsewhere.

On one hand, the showcase of Made-in-China.com's "AI Michael" technology generated strong interest, as its intelligent and efficient features help companies more easily navigate international expansion. On the other hand, the lottery activity effectively extended customer interactions at the booth, proving more cost-effective than instant prize giveaways that only briefly capture attention. The high participation levels demonstrated the benefits of integrating interactive experiences into the exhibit.

Ultimately, the crowds and buzz around the Made-in-China.com booth underscored the platform's prominence and the demand for its data-driven, AI-enabled solutions that connect Chinese suppliers with global buyers.