The 7th China Lightweight Vehicle Summit 2020 Will be Held in Shanghai
Date: Sep 29,2020
From: The 7th China Lightweight Vehicle Summit 2020
With the release and implementation of National Sixth Phase Motor Vehicle Pollutant Emission Standard, we can see nowadays environmental protection, energy conservation and consumption reduction regulations are increasingly strict. Vehicle Lightweight has been an important direction, and also an inevitable trend for China’s automotive industry. After light-weighting, vehicles can not only reduce fuel consumption and air pollutants, but also can improve vehicle’s overall performance and cut production costs. For new energy vehicles, weight optimization is an effective method to improve battery mileage. China has made it clear that by 2020, the average fuel consumption of new passenger cars will reach 5L/100km. For passenger gasoline vehicles, the maximum fuel economy is 0.39L/100km for every 100kg reduction. Under the big pressure, vehicle lightweight is very necessary and one of the most effective ways for OEMs.
This forum will take place both ONLINE and in-person and set up a main forum on Day One and two sub-forums on Day Two (Metal Materials and Non-Metal Materials). The conference will closely follow the latest industry trends, share innovative light-weighting technologies and valuable practice cases with all participants. Key contents will include automotive lightweight regulations & policies, lightweight materials, structures lightweight design, manufacturing process, and etc. The meeting platform aims to gather outstanding industry insiders from all over the world, exploring the best vehicle lightweight solutions and seeking new corporation opportunities for all attendees. We will work together to build core competiveness of China’s automotive lightweight market, and promote the high-speed and sustainable development of this industry.
New Management Regulations of NEV Credits, New Standard for Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction of Vehicles and Their Influence on lightweight Vehicle
Current Situation, Breakthroughs and Development Forecast of China Lightweight Vehicle Market
Innovative Application of New Materials to Drive the Lightweight Vehicle Development
Challenges, Development Trends and Technical Progress of Hybrid Material Body
Vehicle Light-weighting Technologies’ R&D and Integrated Application
Pure Electric Vehicle’s Micro-Mobility Strategy and Key Technologies
Panel Discussion: How to Balance Vehicle Lightweight, Safety, Performance and Production Cost?
Electric Vehicle All-Aluminum Body and Vehicle Passive Safety Design
Steel-Aluminum Hybrid Body- OEM’S Forming Technologies Development and Application Practices
Application Prospects and Manufacturing Process Development of Magnesium Alloy Components
“Replacing Metals with Plastics ”, the Rising Application of Modified Plastics for Vehicle Lightweight
Summit time: Oct. 26-27, 2020
Venue: Shanghai, China
Organizer: ECV International
We will provide:
Simultaneous interpretation device for 2-day conference
Brochure, recording materials
five-star buffet lunch coupons, tea breaks and all refreshments
More details, please visit our official website:
Http: //www. Ecvinternational. Com/event/en/The7thChinaLightweightVehicleSummit2020
Contact Us:
Ciking Zhao
Tel: +86 21 8026 0707-803
E-Mail: Cikingz@ecvinternational. Com
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ECV International is a leading organizer and contractor of high-end international business events in Asia, with nearly 200 professionals in industrial research and event planning & execution. Every year, we hold around 40 high-level international summits involved in the fields of vehicle, retail, textile, footwear, IoT, New Science & Technology industry, etc.
We have served more than half of the Fortune 2, 000 companies, and every year more than 6, 000 delegates from multinational enterprises, specialized organizations and creative companies take part in our events, i. E. Daimler, GE, Adidas, Coca-Cola, Alibaba, ABB, etc.
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